getUsers(): Promise<{ animatorId: string; user: IConnectedUser; users: IRoomUser[] }>
getTeams(): Promise<IRoomTeam[]>
getData(id?: string): Promise<IRoomData>
getUserData(userId?: string): Promise<{ [userId: string]: IRoomData }>
getConfigFilesPath(): Promise<string>
getAssets(): Promise<{ tags: ITag[]; files: IFiles[] }>
getRoomConfig(): Promise<IRoomConfig>
updateProfile(user: { username?: string; avatar?: string}): Promise<IRoomUser>
setData(data: (IData & { isGlobal?: boolean})[]): Promise<void>
sendData(data: IData[], userIds?: string[]): Promise<void>
sendToAnimator(data: IData[]): Promise<void>
sendFiles(files: File[]): Promise<IFile[]>
updateFile(fileId: string, name?: string, file?: File): Promise<IFile>
Return current user and all users present in the room.
const {
animatorId, // Room animator id
user, // Current user
users // All other users
} = await getUsers();
The type of animatorId
is string
, user
is IConnectedUser
and the type of users
is IRoomUser
Collect room teams. If the room isn't in team mode, an empty array is returned.
const teams = await getTeams();
The type of teams
is IRoomTeam
getData(id?: string)
Collect room stored data in globalData
- If no
is given, return all global data. - If an
is given, return the global data withid
// Return all global data
const data = await getData();
// Return only global data with id : 'dataId'
const data = await getData('dataId');
The type of data
is IRoomData
If no global data is found for the given id
, the returned value will be undefined
// Assume that global data is like the following
const globalData = {
fruit: {
id: 'fruit',
value: 'apple'
let data = await getData('fruit');
console.log(data.value) // 'apple'
data = await getData('animal');
// Canno't read properties of undefined (data is undefined)
getUserData(userId?: string)
Collect room stored data in userData
- If no
is given, return all users data. - If an
is given, return the all data of the givenuserId
// Return all users data
const data = await getUserData();
// Return only data of user with id : 'userId'
const data = await getUserData('userId');
The type of data
is { [userId]: IRoomData }
If no user data is found for the given userId
, the returned value will be undefined
// Assume that user data is like the following
const userData = {
jhon: {
fruit: {
id: 'fruit',
value: 'apple',
joe: {
fruit: {
id: 'fruit',
value: 'strawberry'
let data = await getUserData('jhon');
console.log(data) // { jhon: { fruit: { id: 'fruit', value: 'apple' } } }
data = await getUserData('max');
console.log(data); // { max: undefined }
Return the path of the folder linked to current capsule configuration.
const path = await getConfigFilesPath();
// Fetch config.json path
const res = await fetch(path + '/config.json');
const json = await res.json();
console.log(json) // Print config.json content
Collect room assets content (tags & files).
const { tags, files } = await getAssets();
The type of tags
is ITag[]̀
and the type of files
is IFile[]
Returned files path
are relative to the current instance.
If you are on k-hubs.com and returned path is /static/file/...
. The full path is https://k-hubs.com/static/file/...
Collect room configuration.
const config = await getRoomConfig();
The type of config
is IRoomConfig
updateProfile(user: { username?: string; avatar?: string })
Update current user profile.
const updated = await updateProfile({ username: 'Joe' }); // Update username to "Joe"
The type of updated
is IRoomUser
setData(data: (IData & { isGlobal?: boolean })[])
Save all given data
into the room. For each data:
- If
data.isGlobal === true
, then the data will be stored into theglobalData object
. - Else it will be stored into the
setData([{ id: 'fruit', value: 'apple' }, { id: 'fruit', value: 'strawberry', isGlobal: true }])
console.log(getData('fruit')) // { fruit: { id: 'fruit', value: 'strawberry' } }
console.log(getUserData('fruit')) // { [currentUserId]: { fruit: { id: 'fruit', value: 'apple' } } }
will not be sent to other users. To send data to other users use sendData()
sendData(data: IData[], userIds?: string[])
Send all given data
to other users.
- If
is given, eachdata
will be sent only to givenuserIds
. - Else each
will be send to all user.
Each sent data is type of IReceivedData
// Jhon send data to everyone
const data = [{ id: 'fruit', value: 'apple' }, { id: 'animal', value: 'dog' }];
// send data only to Joe and Max
sendData(data, ['joe', 'max']);
sendToAnimator(data: IData[])
Send all given data
to the room animator.
const data = [{ id: 'fruit', value: 'apple' }, { id: 'animal', value: 'dog' }];
To listen for sendData
and sendToAnimator
, use onDataSend
sendFiles(files: File[])
Upload files to current room. Given files must be type of File.
const file1 = new File(); // avatar.png
const file2 = new File(); // text.txt
const uplodedFiles = await sendFiles([file1, file2])
console.log(uploadedFiles); // [{ name: 'avatar', ... }, { name: 'text', ... }]
The type of uploadedFiles
is IFile[]
updateFile(fileId: string, name?: string, file?: string)
Update a previous uploaded file.
const updatedFile = await updateFile('file1', 'New name');
console.log(updatedFile); // { name: 'New name', ... }
The type of updatedFile
is IFile
Use these functions to listen for incoming events from server.
onUserJoin(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void): void
offUserJoin(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void): void
onUserLeave(callback: (userId: string) => void): void
offUserLeave(callback: (userId: string) => void): void
onUserUpdate(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void): void
offUserUpdate(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void): void
onDataSend(dataId: string, callback: (data: IReceivedData) => void): void
offDataSend(dataId: string, callback: (data: IReceivedData) => void): void
When you register a listener with the on...
function and you unregister a listener with the off...
function, the given callback to each function must be the same function instance.
// Bad ❌
onUserJoin((user) => { console.log(user) });
offUserJoin((user) => { console.log(user) });
// Good ✅
const callback = (user) => console.log(user);
onUserJoin(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void)
Register a listener for the userJoin
event. The given callback
is trigered when a user connect to the room. When the callback is trigered, it takes the connected user
as parameters. Its type is IRoomUser
const connectCallback = (user: IRoomUser) => console.log(user);
// Listen for join event.
// Jhon connected ...
// Console output: { id: 'jhon', username: 'Jhon', ... }
offUserJoin(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void)
Unregister a previous onUserJoin
onUserLeave(callback: (userId: string) => void)
Register a listener for the userLeave
event. the given callback
is trigered when a user disconnect from the room. When the callback is trigered, it takes the disconnected userId
as parameter.
const disconnectCallback = (userId: string) => console.log(userId);
// Listen for leave event.
// Jhon diconnected ...
// Console output: 'jhon'
offUserLeave(callback: (userId: string) => void)
Unregister a previous onUserLeave
onUserUpdate(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void): void
Register a listener for the userUpdate
event fired when an user call updateProfile()
const userUpdateCallback = (user: IRoomUser) => console.log(user);
// Listen for user update event.
// Jhon update his username to 'Jhon Doe' ...
// Console output: { 'id': 'jhon', username: 'Jhon Doe' }
offUserUpdate(callback: (user: IRoomUser) => void): void
Unregister a previous `onUserUpdate listener.
onDataSend(dataId: string, callback: (data: IReceivedData) => void)
Register a listener for a specific event. The given callback
is triggered when sendData
(or sendToAnimator
if the current user is animator) is called with the given dataId
. It takes the sended data
as parameters. Its type is IReceivedData
const onFruitCallback = (data: IReceivedData) => console.log(data);
onDataSend('fruit', onFruitCallback);
// Jhon sendData({ id: 'fruit', value: 'apple' })
// Console output: { id: 'fruit', value: 'apple', senderUserId: 'jhon' }
offDataSend(dataId: string, callback: (data: IReceivedData) => void)
Unregister a previous onDataSend
offDataSend('fruit', onFruitCallback);